The Gemara relates: One day, Rabbi Yochanan was bathing in the Jordan River. Reish Lakish saw him and jumped into the Jordan, pursuing him. At that time, Reish Lakish was the leader of a band of marauders. Rabbi Yochanan said to Reish Lakish: Your strength is fit for Torah study. Reish Lakish said to him: Your beauty is fit for women. Rabbi Yochanan said to him: If you return to the pursuit of Torah, I will give you my sister in marriage, who is more beautiful than I am. Reish Lakish accepted upon himself to study Torah. Subsequently, Reish Lakish wanted to jump back out of the river to bring back his clothes, but he was unable to return, as he had lost his physical strength as soon as he accepted the responsibility to study Torah upon himself.
-Bava Metzia 84a:12

In this interactive, erotic historical fiction, you take on the role of Reish Lakish seducing Rabbi Yochanan bar Nappaha and his sister Safnat. Along the way, you study, learn, and grow into a great man... Or die trying. Unlock all 20 endings to make your way onto the leaderboard

This game is the first of a series of three following the sages throughout their tumultuous, homoerotic lives.  Written for a general audience of perverts, it answers the question any queer reader might have when faced with the story in Bava Metzia 84a:12... 

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